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Advanced biofuels



New forms of biodiesel are emerging on the market. They represent small volumes for the moment. As we have done with waste oils, we will be able to adapt our tools and techniques according to the discoveries related to these materials.

groupe 815

Development stage

Sustainability under study
R&D Stade de projet
Conflict of use
No competition

Applications :

Advanced biofuels include feedstocks derived from agricultural and agri-food co-products and residues. This category also includes biofuels derived from microalgae oil.

Energy (biofuel)

Sourcing :

Advanced biofuels are being developed in various countries around the world, including France.



Advanced biofuel in few words:

The challenge of developing so-called advanced biofuels is to avoid the competition between food and energy that first generation fuels create. These advanced fuels are designed to use biomass resources other than those used for human consumption.

According to ADEME, the development of advanced biofuels aims to make full use of resources and crops, limit conflicts of use, reduce pressure on the environment and increase surface production yields.

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